Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2008

Markus: It`s worth to….

… visit Auckland
… get up in 40sec. to the top of the 326m high Skytower in Auckland.
… make some orienteering competitions at the peninsula northwest of Auckland.
… visit the Bay of Island, Northland
… make a spectacular boat trips to become friends with dolphins
… make a trip to many islands (of 300 in this area) by boat
… have a look at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds (
… cycle the whole afternoon from island to island
… do what you have do to at the Hundertwasser toilets in Kawakawa.
… walk the Cape Brett / Whangamumu track through native bush, palms, ferns
… discover lonely bays
… go kayaking for a lunch break at the black rocks
… see a tiger ray (appr. 120 cm long) VERY closely at the beach
… have a look at the Haruru falls
… inject the Hepatitis vaccination because it's cheaper
… return to NZ one day!

Samstag, 25. Oktober 2008

Ulli: Flies and Kiwis

A big Kia Ora from Auckland, where we are at the moment. This will be our first night in the tent, since so far we always slept in cabins. Lets hope it stays warm and dry!

One sight worth seeing: the famous Glowworm caves in Waitomo. There are around 300 caves, but only 3 of them can be visited. And of course, we did all 3 of them. They all have amazing Stalagtites and Stalagmites ("Stalagtites hold tight to the top, and Stalagmites might reach the top", for those who cant remember which are which...), but 2 also have their own way of lightning: little fly-larva, who stick to the ceiling, and actually glow, like fireflys. Amazing! The ceilings of the caves look like the sky, full of stars.

Today we saw it: the symbol of New Zealand! The proud of all Kiwis! One of the few, that are still around! We went to the the Bird Sanctuary in Otorohanga, where they do have two life KIWIS. Really cute animals!!
= ?

And as promised yesterday, the pictures. Enjoy...

Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2008

Markus: From the South to the North

Picton next: Parts of the amazing Marlboro Sounds and the harbour for the ferrys to the North Island. Parts of the Queen Charlotte Track, Ulli, Hongkong Chinese Kelvin and I. 14 KM of native bush, ferns and palms.

The next day (Monday) crossing over the Cook Strait to Wellington - capital of NZ. Amazing views, first time really heavy rain.....

Wellington, nice to come and nice to go, especially when you that you will come back in maybe one or two month(s).

Up to north along the Kapiti Bay, further to Wanganui, kayaking at the Whanganui river, staying over night at the bottom of the amazing volcano Mt. Taranaki.

What happened in between - just look at the pictures which will follow the next couple of days!

Still a bit that everything is in full blossom, moderate to warm temperatures, and no stress situations so far. People are very friendly and helpful, and we hope it continues. Right now there are much more Maori and Polynesians than Pakehas (white people) in this area, two languages, but a peaceful environment, of course.

What comes next? Caves with small aliens everywhere, dark waters, and strange looking stones. Further way up to Auckland, doing some orienteering competitions and so on.....

By the way, everyone who is interested, i have a digital diary which describes all my sport activities I do on my own or together with Ulli (including hiking, kayaking, running...). Please find the link on the left!

Pictures coming soon!!!!

Samstag, 18. Oktober 2008

Ulli: Going North

Now we are on tour!

The first day brought us to Hanmer Springs, a town in the north of Christchurch, laying very nice and picturesque in the mountains. There one can do everything that is dangerous and nailbiting exciting: kayaking, canoeing, quad driving, bungee jumping, diving... The bravest we did was - due to the pouring rain - to sit in the famous spa in solphor water. It was most relaxing i have to say, although a bit smelly...

The next day we went to the Kaikoura peninsula, famous for its clayfish (yes, I didnt know that either!). We used the nice weather to hike around the whole peninsula, to enjoy fantastic views! In the afternoon we joined a guided kayaking-tour, a "seal encounter". To observe the seals from closest distances was great. And it certainly was not the last time we went kayaking!

Today we went to Picton, where we want to go hiking tomorrow, and continue our trip on the North Island on Monday!! Surely we will keep you informed!!

Left you can find a few pictures from our trip in Kaikoura!

Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2008

Markus: On tour

Bicycle upgraded, last things bought, car mechanically checked, insurance policy signed,.... .Well I think we ready to start part one of our tour.

Here 's a qick overview about our next plans: Starting tommorrrow morning against North. We should be at Picton (the ferry station at the northern point of the island south) within 4 days (with quiet lot of program inbetween e.g. hiking, whale watching,....). On monday we take the ferry to cross the Cook Street to Wellington (North Island). Well and after another week or two with some new experiences we should arrive at Bay of Island (Northland, above Auckland). Bay of Island is the official start for the bicycle-tour. That means I/we will do some running, hiking and cycling already in the next days but the main part start at Bay of Island. Together (by car and by bike) should take us the wind down to Christchurch again (by not later than Christmas).
Despite that we have no continous internet access in the next couple of weeks we will keep you informed as good as possible.

Alright guys, next to the text you'll find some pictures from our Christchurch stay.

Montag, 13. Oktober 2008

Markus: Prepared....

... as you can see at the pictures below. Just the main stuff (not all the other small things you need to survive).


Sonntag, 12. Oktober 2008

Markus: BBQ, spring and other stuff

Well, the first days in NZ, Christchurch. Lovely weather. Really, we haven't had such a nice weather all the time in Edinburgh :-) We are staying at Christies parents in Kaiapoi right now, acclimate a bit and learn more about this area. Well, shopping was one of our main activities in the last couple of days - as we do have plans, and we need stufff to realize our plans. :-). However, it's spring everywhere (as you can see in the picture), and surfing and sailing ist already possible.

Thursday evening we were invited to an exhibition (is was Blair's sister's - who is a photographer - graduation!!) with dinner afterwards. Lovely, or have you eaten pizza with e.g. pumpkin, apricot or ..... before?

Friday evening we were invited to a BBQ at Christie's and Blair's friends Ashley, Christie and Baby Bella. Saturday we were part of a big BBQ together with Christie and Blair friends, a lot of babys, children, and plenty of sausages and beer. Very nice, and we got the opportunity to meet new guys from Kajapoi and Belfast (in NZ).

So far so good, I talked already about our shopping tours. Tommorow can you see in pictures what we have bought to be prepared for our journey through the land of Frodo and Bilbo Baggins.

Have a nice day!

Samstag, 11. Oktober 2008

Ulli: Kia Ora aus Aotearoa!

After 4 days of traveling we arrived in New Zealand, and were welcomed in the nicest way by our friends Blair, Christie and their families!

For all who want to know where we now exactly are:

Kaiapoi, North Canterbury, New Zealand!!

Donnerstag, 9. Oktober 2008

Ulli: Photos - Hongkong

Wie versprochen: nebenan findet Ihr ein paar Bilder aus Hongkong. Eine wirklich beeindruckende Stadt, die einen Besuch wert ist! Erste Eindruecke von Neuseeland, wo wir gut gelandet sind, folgen!!!

Montag, 6. Oktober 2008

Markus: Hongkong

Okay, los gehts. Ab in den Osten, und nach einer sehr harten Landung in London aber einem umso angenehmeren Flug nach Hongkong haben wir die ehemalige britische Kronkolonie sicher erreicht. Kurz gesagt - eine Weltstadt, die viel zu bieten hat und viele Eindrücke hinterlässt. Sehr beeindruckend, was auch eine Vielzahl unserer Fotos bestätigen soll (eine Auswahl hierzu beim nächsten Mal).

Nach monsunartigen Regen, strahlender Sonne, Besuch eines großen Marktes, des Victoria Peaks, eines Fischerdorfs... gehts morgen noch rauf auf dem Hügel einer Nebeninsel Hongkongs (Lantau) um die grösste im Freien stehende Buddha Statue der Welt zu bewundern bzw. zur Besichtigung eines Tempels.

Am Abend gehts dann ab Auckland (NZ) wo wir uns demnächst mit den ersten "impressions" aus Neuseeland melden werden.


Samstag, 4. Oktober 2008

Markus & Ulli: Auf Wiedersehen, Österreich!

So, jetzt wirds ernst!!!! Heute abend gehts los! Markus' Eltern sind so nett und fahren uns nach München zum Flughafen, und dann werden wir mit einem Zwischenstop in London erst mal ca. 13 Stunden fliegen...

Bitte alle fleissig Blog lesen, da wir ihn so oft als möglich updaten wollen! Bitte alle fleissig Mails schreiben, da wir natürlich wissen wollen, wie es allen daheim geht!

Wenn der Schnee weg ist, kommen wir wieder... :-)

Mittwoch, 1. Oktober 2008

Ulli: Das Wochenende und andere Dinge

Schon lange überfällig, da versprochen: So sieht er aus, Markus im Kilt. Gut, gell?!! Das war bei der Hochzeit von Rüdiger und Ulli am 12. September. Eine wirklich toller Tag!
Vergangenes Wochenende waren wir wieder sehr aktiv. Am Freitag haben wir Thomas in St. Johann besucht. Die evangelische Freikirche feiert ihren 20. Geburtstag, und im Zuge dessen haben wir uns ein Alphornbläser-Konzert angehört... Mit dazugehörigem Frühschoppen auf der Kelchalm bei Kitzbühel (Sport am morgen...) am Samstag morgen!

Samstag nachmittag waren wir stolze Teilnehmer des "Sie&Er-Laufs" in Mayrwies bei Salzburg. Eine Staffel, bei der zuerst der Herr 4,15 Kilometer lief, und dann die Dame. Nach einer gemütlichen Pizza mit Freunden (Christine, Richi & Kinder), einer Preisverleihung (haben nicht gewonnen) mit viel Fangen spielen (mit Hanna), waren wir doch a bissl müde am Abend...

Am Sonntag waren wir dann noch am Trattberg (bei St. Koloman, nahe Hallein) wandern. Das is ja gscheit steil da rauf!!! Aber ein echt toller Blick von oben!

Und nun sind wir im Endspurt der Neuseeland-Vorbereitungen! Am Samstag gehts los!!!!!